They say becoming a front-end dev is easy…
Then, I have to show them the reality:
Beginner Level
- div
- button
- i
- b
- font-size: 16px
- index.html
Intermediate Level
- script
- img
- form
- iframe
- $(function(){…});
Advanced Level
- useEffect
- center a
- unit tests
- responsive layouts
- linting
- CSS cascade
- float
- E2E tests
- input validation
- Hydration errors
- font-size 14px safari zoom
- filter views
- @media print
- img srcSet
- pagination
- NaN / undefined / null
- infinite scroll
- layout shift
- calendar UI
- cache busting
- email CSS
- CSS selector perf
- event loop
- OAuth2
- user agents
- this
- caching headers
- “0 results found”
- WebRTC
- regex
- SameSite cookie
- closures
- drag and drop UI
- rewrite it in Rust
- CSS full height on mobile
- mobile dialogs
- websockets
- cookie banners
- v8 stack traces
- dates
- localization
- local first
- rewrite it back in JavaScript
- new Response(new ReadableStream(…))
- microtask queue
- typeof [1, 2, 3]; // ‘object’
- source maps
- WYSIWYG editor
- Samsung browser
- 2023 IE support
- time zones
- T extends [any, …any[]] ? (T extends […any[], infer _] ? 0 : 1):1
- Quantum Computing Integration
- WebAssembly (Wasm) Optimization
- Micro Frontends Architecture
- WebGPU Programming
- State Machines and Statecharts (XState)
- Advanced Compiler Techniques
- CRDTs (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types)
- Advanced Accessibility Techniques
- Neural Network Integration in Frontend
- Edge Computing with Service Workers
- Blockchain-Based Web Applications
- Advanced Static Site Generation (SSG)
- Custom Rendering Pipelines
- Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) Frontend Development
- Multi-Threading in JavaScript
- Custom Browser Engines
Expert Level
Master Level
God Mode Difficulty
(Beyond God Mode)
And if that’s not enough here is more 😅.
These topics push the boundaries of frontend development and require a deep understanding of both frontend and backend technologies.
Still easy, you tell me?
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