Join GitHub Education

Join GitHub Education

Table of Contents

Introduction to GitHub Education

GitHub Education is the concept of “Empowering the next generation of developers”. It bridges the gap between coding education and a tech career, and is accessible to everyone globally at no cost.

GitHub Education is a commitment to bringing tech and open source collaboration to students and educators across the globe.


To qualify for student benefits, you must:

  • Have a GitHub account.
  • Be at least 13 years old.
  • Be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma granting course of study from a recognized educational institution.
  • Be able to provide documentation from your school which demonstrates your current student status.

Before you begin

  • Complete your GitHub account billing information with your full legal name as it appears on your academic affiliation documentation. (You do not have to add a payment method.)
    Billing Information
  • Verify your academic email address on your GitHub account, if your school provides one.
    Verify email
  • Secure your GitHub account with two-factor authentication. (It is recommended to use the GitHub Mobile app.)
  • Personalize your public GitHub Profile with your photo, your name, your pronouns, and more.

Drop a Application

  • Navigate to the GitHub Education page for students in GitHub Portal.
  • Click on Join GitHub Education button.
    Join GitHub Education
  • Make sure that Student is Selected
  • Scroll down to Application tab.
    • Click on Select this School Button
    • Click on Continue Button
      Application tab
  • Scroll down to Please upload proof of academic status tab and upload your marks memo (for faster verification).
    Proof of academic status
  • Click on Process my application
    Wait 24 hours for verifvation.

Advantages of GitHub Education

  • Free GutHub Pro Account.
  • Code in the cloud with GitHub Codespaces.
  • Learn faster and code better with GitHub Copilot.
  • Start using professional developer tools.
  • Become a leader in tech with GitHub Campus Experts.
  • Work on real-world projects with Community Exchange.

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