7 Simple Ways You Can Track a Cell Phone Number

7 Simple Ways You Can Track a Cell Phone Number

There are a lot of ways to track a cell phone number these days, all you need is the full details of the procedures explained in the discourse below.

Ways to Track a Cell Phone Number

Technology has taken over the world and you no longer have to stress yourself worrying about an unfamiliar number that calls or texts you.

Before now, people used to get disturbed when a strange number called them.

Since the discovery of ways to trace a cell phone number at any time, the world doesn’t get disturbed anymore when it has to do with being called by unfamiliar numbers.

Ways to Track a Cell Phone Number

In the past, if you wanted to track a cell phone number or its location, you had to go to a government agency or a security agency.

But all thanks to the technology that has made cell phones available to even the youngest children or the oldest adults. That is to say, the tracking process will be simpler and faster. Let’s begin!

There are different ways you can use to track a cell phone number. Some of these ways are:

1. Use Reverse Lookup Apps

If someone calls you and you do not recognize the number but would like to investigate further, you can use reverse phone lookup to identify the location of the number.

A reverse phone lookup works by typing in the phone number to a search engine or a directory and seeing which listing comes back linked to that particular number.

By using a reverse phone lookup app on your smartphone, you are giving the information to feed their database so that you can also find people and track a cell phone number. This is done by simply searching using a number.

While reverse cell phone lookup services can be free or paid, the best is that you are not limited to which phone numbers you are allowed to track. Instead, you can search for any phone number online, and the owner will not even know you searched for it.

2. Use Your Favorite Search Engine

Search engines such as Google, Bing, and other web browsers are a rich source of data. So why not use it to get information about the number you are tracking? Through reverse phone lookup, you can use Google to track a phone number.

Go to the Google search page and type the phone number. Click the search button, and your search result of the number will be displayed. Instead of writing the number in one arrangement, try different formats and compare the search results.

If the phone number is for a business or a company, then the search results will be listed in the general public directory and will give information on the owner of the number and his location.

3. Use a Reverse Phone Lookup App to Track a Number

If you want to know how to trace a number, TrueCaller is one of the reverse phone lookup apps that you can use.

TrueCaller which has over 50 million users in Africa from which 3.2 million users are in South Africa, is an app for smartphones that allows users to identify the names of a number that is not saved in their phonebook.

The app tends to go as far as giving a name and face to a specific number. It is compatible with various smartphones including Android, windows phone, and iOS. To identify who the caller might be, this app requires WI-FI or mobile data.

4. How to Locate a Cell Phone Number Using TrueCaller

1. Go to Google Store and use the search button to get .

2. Download and install the app.

3. You will then need to use your Gmail, Facebook, or Yahoo account to log in and access the Trucaller database.

4. Using the app search button type the number of the unknown caller. The app will then give you the name and additional information like a profile picture.

Once you install Trucaller, anytime you get an unknown number, the app will quickly search through its database and show you the name via a popup window on your phone. Truecaller works like a reverse phone lookup.

5. Track a Phone Number Using Social Media

Most people tend to link their social media accounts with their phone numbers. To find a specific phone number using a social media platform such as Facebook, all you need to do is enter the number in the search bar.

Any profiles associated with that number will be displayed in the search results.

What is great about knowing how to track a phone number using social media is that you get an insight into that person’s profile as well as their location, friends, hobbies, and other social networks.

As a result of such tracking methods, you get empowered with more information linked to that unknown number.

7. Use Google and Google Maps

Using Google, you can track a phone number without the intended person knowing. However, sometimes knowing who the number belongs to is not enough.

Using Google Maps, you can go further and trace the phone number’s location. How to find someone’s location by cell phone number:

1. Open a Google browser and click on the search options

2. Type the phone number you are tracking and press enter

3. Click on the first listed search results

4. Copy the address listed for that phone number

5. Paste it on the Google Map search box, and the map will give you the exact location of the address.

Tools for Tracking Cell Phone Numbers

Before you can track a phone number, you must first check whether you have all the necessary tools. Some of these tools are:

1. A laptop or a mobile phone

2. Internet connection

3. The cell phone number you want to look up.

From this article, you can see that tracking a particular phone number is not a hectic thing to do. But you need to be careful because it is illegal to track and access a mobile phone number that is not yours.

However, you can obtain legal written permission from the owner to track their number to eradicate any legal repercussions.

With that, you can freely track a loved one while they are away or trace a stolen phone. Track but track legally!

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