What is a WeakMap in JavaScript?

A WeakMap is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are objects and the values can be arbitrary values. Unlike regular Map, the keys in WeakMap are “weakly referenced.” This means that if there are no other references to a key object, it can be garbage collected, helping to prevent memory leaks.

Why do we need WeakMap?

1. Memory Management: Helps in efficient memory usage by allowing garbage collection of unused keys.

2. Private Data: Can be used to store private data for objects, as the data is not accessible unless you have the object key.

3. Avoiding Memory Leaks: Especially useful in scenarios like DOM manipulation where you might want to store metadata for DOM elements without preventing their garbage collection when they are removed from the DOM.

How do we use WeakMap?

A WeakMap is created using the WeakMap constructor. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Creating a WeakMap:
let weakMap = new WeakMap();
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  1. Setting values:
let obj = {};
weakMap.set(obj, 'value associated with obj');
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  1. Getting values:
console.log(weakMap.get(obj)); // 'value associated with obj'
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  1. Checking for existence:
console.log(weakMap.has(obj)); // true
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  1. Deleting values:
console.log(weakMap.has(obj)); // false
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Funny Examples

Let’s use a WeakMap to track which superheroes are currently in a secret hideout. The secret hideout only keeps information about the superheroes as long as they are inside. Once they leave, the hideout forgets about them to avoid memory overload.

Example: Superhero Hideout

let secretHideout = new WeakMap(); function Superhero(name) { this.name = name;
} // Superheroes enter the hideout
let batman = new Superhero('Batman');
let superman = new Superhero('Superman'); secretHideout.set(batman, 'Batcave');
secretHideout.set(superman, 'Fortress of Solitude'); console.log(secretHideout.get(batman)); // 'Batcave'
console.log(secretHideout.get(superman)); // 'Fortress of Solitude' // Batman leaves the hideout
batman = null; // No more references to Batman // After garbage collection, the hideout forgets about Batman
setTimeout(() => { console.log(secretHideout.get(batman)); // undefined (Batman has been garbage collected) console.log(secretHideout.has(superman)); // true (Superman is still in the hideout)
}, 1000);
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In this example:

  • Creating Superheroes: Batman and Superman are created as objects.
  • Entering the Hideout: They enter their respective hideouts, and we store this information in the WeakMap.
  • Leaving the Hideout: When Batman leaves the hideout (i.e., batman = null), there are no more references to Batman. Garbage collection will remove Batman from memory.
  • Checking the Hideout: After a timeout, we check the hideout. Batman has been removed (garbage collected), but Superman is still there.

Why is this funny?

Imagine a secret hideout that is so secret it even forgets who was inside if they don’t come back soon enough! Just like in this example, the WeakMap forgets about Batman once he’s gone, keeping the hideout’s memory clean and efficient.

Key Points

Keys must be objects: You can only use objects as keys in a WeakMap.
Not iterable: WeakMap is not iterable, so you cannot use it with loops like for-of.
Garbage collection: The main advantage is that it allows the garbage collector to clean up keys that are no longer referenced elsewhere in the program, preventing memory leaks.

This makes WeakMap particularly useful for cases where you need to store temporary data related to objects without worrying about keeping those objects alive unnecessarily.

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