Understanding the Difference Between `Array` and `T[]` in TypeScript

In TypeScript, arrays are a fundamental part of the language, allowing developers to store collections of values of a specific type. There are two primary ways to define arrays: Array<T> and T[]. While they are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two that are worth understanding. This article will delve into these differences and provide guidance on when to use each form.

What are Array<T> and T[]?

  • Array<T>: This is a generic type provided by TypeScript. It signifies an array where each element is of type T.
  • T[]: This is a shorthand notation for the Array<T> type. It also represents an array where each element is of type T.

Syntax Differences

The primary difference between Array<T> and T[] lies in their syntax. Here’s a quick comparison:

// Using Array<T>
let numbers: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // Using T[]
let numbersAlt: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
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Type Readability

In some cases, Array<T> can improve readability, especially when dealing with more complex types. Consider the following example:

// Using Array<T>
let arrayOfArrays: Array<Array<number>> = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; // Using T[]
let arrayOfArraysAlt: number[][] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]];
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While both notations are correct, Array<Array<number>> might be clearer in showing that the type is an array of arrays of numbers, whereas number[][] can sometimes be harder to parse visually.

Consistency with Other Generic Types

Using Array<T> can also be more consistent with other generic types in TypeScript. For instance, if you’re already using generics for other types like Promise<T> or Map<K, V>, it might make sense to use Array<T> for consistency:

let promises: Array<Promise<number>> = [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(2)];
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Function Signatures

When defining function signatures, both Array<T> and T[] can be used interchangeably. However, in more complex generic functions, Array<T> might be preferred for clarity:

// Using Array<T>
function getFirstElement<T>(arr: Array<T>): T | undefined { return arr[0];
} // Using T[]
function getFirstElementAlt<T>(arr: T[]): T | undefined { return arr[0];
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Compatibility and Preferences

Both Array<T> and T[] are fully compatible with each other. It ultimately comes down to personal or team preference. Some developers prefer the concise T[] notation, while others favor the explicit Array<T> syntax for its readability and consistency.


In summary, Array<T> and T[] in TypeScript are two ways to define arrays, with subtle differences in syntax and readability. Both are equally valid and compatible, so choosing one over the other often comes down to personal preference or the need for consistency with other generic types.

Understanding these differences can help you write clearer, more maintainable TypeScript code. Whether you opt for Array<T> or T[], the key is to stay consistent with your choice across your codebase.

Happy coding!

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