String Operations(Length,escape character,verbatim string)


Stringni uzuznligini qaytaradi

Console.WriteLine( "Hello World".Length ) // 11
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var carModel="BYD Han"
for ( int i = 0; i < carModel.Length; i++ )
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Stringni barcha elementlarini alohida indekslari orqali qaytaradi.

Escape character ( \ )

String ichida yozib bo’lmaydigan belgilarni yozish uchn Escape Character ishlatiladi.

var specialString = " Hello "new" world ";
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Yuqoridagi holatda qo’shtirnoqni o’qimaydi va error beradi.
Bu xatoni to’girlash uchun belgilar oldidan \ (backslash) ishlatiladi.

var specialString = " Hello \"new\" world ";
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Yangi qatorga o’tish uchun ishlatiladi

Console.WriteLine( "book \n "pen" );
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Tab ya’ni 4 ta probel tashlab chop etadi

Console.WriteLine( "book \t "pen" \t "pencil" );
output:book pen pencil
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Backslashni o’zini chop etish uchun 2 ta backslash yozish kifoya.

Console.WriteLine( "\\book\\" );
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Backspace ya’ni eng oxirgi yozilgan belgini o’chirib yuboradi

Console.WriteLine( "book" \b "pen" );
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Kursorni qator boshiga qaytarib qo’yadi

Console.WriteLine( "book" \r "pen" );
Enter fullscreen mode
Exit fullscreen mode

Verbatim string

Biror so’zni o’zgarishsiz ko’chirib aytish yoki yozish uchun ishlatiladi.

Console.WriteLine( "C :\\Users\\User1\\Algo.exe");
output:C :\Users\User1\Algo.exe
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Exit fullscreen mode

Yuqoridagi manzilni quyidagicha ya’ni bitta (@) belgi chop etish qulayroq

Console.WriteLine( @"C :\Users\User1\Algo.exe");
output:C :\Users\User1\Algo.exe
Enter fullscreen mode
Exit fullscreen mode

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