Operators are one of the most utilized elements of any programming language. We have to use operators in Python for numerous cases. From mathematical calculations to building any project, operators are inevitable. As usual, operators have classifications.
Arithmetic Operators:
1.Addition(+): Add values on either side of the operator
2.Subtraction(-): Subtracts right hand operand from left operand
print(x-y) >>> 3
3.Multiplication(*): Multiplies on either side of the operator
print(x*y) >>> 50
4.Division(/): Divides left-hand operand by right-hand operand. The result of division is always a float value.
x= 20
y= 5
print(x/y) >>> 4
5.Floor Division(//): It returns floor value for both integer and floating point arguments. Floor value effectively rounds down a real nummber to the nearest integre. It always shows the least value of your result.
print(30//4) >>> 7
5.Modulus(%): This operator is also known as remainder operator. It basically returns the remainder by dividing the first number with the second number.
y= 4
print(30%4) >>> 2
): It performs power calculations on operators.
y= 3
print(x**y) >>> 8
Round(): For rounding the decimal point to the nearest possible integer.
Round(number [, ndigits])
•Takes a number as an argument
•Square bracket means its optional. The no of digits that you want the round function to round to(eg: round to 3 digits)
Assignment Operator:
1.=(Assign): It assigns the value found in the right operand to the left operand.name= 123
2.+=(add and assign): Adds the value found in the right operand to the value found in the left operand.
x+=3 (x=x+3)
print(x) >>> 8
3.-=(subtract and assign): Subtracts the value of the right operand from the value found in the left operand.
x-=3 (x=x-3)
print(x) >>>7
4.*=(multiply and assign): Multiplies the value of the right operand by the value of the left operand.
x= 5
x*=3 (x=x*3)
print(x) >>> 15
5./=(Divide and assign):
x=25 x/=5 (x=x/5) print(x) >>> 5
6.%=(Modulus and assign):
x%=4(x=x%4) print(x) >>>2
7.**=(exponent and assign):
x**=3 (x=x**3) print(x) >>>8
8.//=(floor division and assign):
x//=4 (x=x//4) print(x) >>> 7
Identical Operator:
Identical operators check whether two values are identical or not.
i.is: Returns true if the first value is identical or the same as the second value; otherwise, it returns false.
Print(x is y) >>>> True
ii.is not: Returns true if the first value is not identical or not the same as the second value; otherwise, it returns false.
print(x is not y) >>>> True
Membership Operator:
i.in: Returns true if the first value is in the second. Otherwise, returns False
x= ['apple', 'banana']
print('apple' in x) >>>> True
ii.not in: Returns True if the first value is not in the second. Otherwise, returns False.
x='Hello World'
print('h' not in x) >>>> True
Logical Operators
Comparison or Relational operators
2.!=(not equal)
3.>(Greater than)
4.<(Less than)
5.>= (greater than or equal)
6<=(Less than or equal)
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