
hi, everybody
today I gone to explain which I learnt.

Print() means printing a str, int, flo, etc.

Printing a String
when we want to print a string can use this syntax:

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Printing a variables
When we want to print a variables we can use this syntax

>>>name="hello" >>>print(name) >>> hello
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Printing into multiple items
You can print multiple items by separating them with commas.

>>>print("Name:",name,"Age:",age,"City:",city") >>>Name: kavin Age: 45 City: chennai
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Formatting with f-strings
An f-string is a way to format strings in Python. You can insert variables directly into the string by prefixing it with an f and using curly braces {} around the variables.

>>>print("Name:{name},Age:{age},City:{city}") >>>Name: kavin Age: 45 City: chennai
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Concatenation of strings

We can combine the strings by this.

>>>print(main_dish+""+side_dish+"!") >>>Parotta salna!
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Escape sequencenes
Escape sequences allow you to include special characters in a string. For example, \n adds a new line.

>>>hi hello friends
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Raw(r) strings
Raw stings are strings which type only which is give in the input.

>>> print(r"C:users\\name\\tag")
>>> C:users\name\tag
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Printing numbers

It used to print numbers.

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Printing the results of the expressions
This is used to find the value of a expression.

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Printing lists and dictionaries
We can the entire lists and dictionaries.

>>>print(fruits) >>>['banana','apple','cherry']
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using sep and end Parameters
We can use this to separate(sep) and end(end) with this parameters.

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Triple Quotes
We can use this for print as a same.

hello everybody """) >>>hello everybody
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String Multiplication
This is used to Multipling string.

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This is learnt in the class of python print() class which is I leant by seeing Parotta Salna python class of Day-2

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