Originally published at Perl Weekly 681
Hi there!
Last week finally we had the presentation about GitHub Actions for Perl projects – Continuous Integration. Watch the video, click on thumbs up, and follow the channel! If you are looking for more real-world examples check out the listings on the CPAN Digger. There you can see which CPAN distribution has GitHub Actions configured and which one does not. You can look at the recently uploaded distributions or the most central distributions or the distributions by author.
The next event will be in 3 days about GitHub Pages for Perl developers. We will start creating a simple static site using just Markdown and no Perl. Then we’ll see a few examples how to build web sites on Github pages using Perl. Among the examples we’ll see how the web site of the Perl Weekly and The Perl Planetarium are generated. We’ll also take a look at some other sites, such as Kantoniko, the Ladino (aka. Judaeo Spanish) dictionary I have been working on. It is using Python, but the same concept could have been implemented in Perl as well. Join us live, ask questions, and get started immediately!
In the meantime, there are a few articles, some interesting discussion and the results of the Weekly Challange to entertain you!
Have a nice week!
Your editor: Gabor Szabo.
Install Perl module without CPAN
Unicode in argumens
Some stuff does not work in Perl… Is this a real use-case or is someone just looking for edge-cases?
Interesting switch (using Dispatch Table) example
Apparently the ill-fated given-when construct with the smart-match is still available in Perl and some people learn about it now, a decade (?) after it was demoted to be ‘experimental’.
Using Perl’s ‘rename’ utility to translate filenames to lower case
Calling Perl libraries in C#?
This week in PSC (155)
The Weekly Challenge
The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.
The Weekly Challenge – 282
Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks “Good Integer” and “Changing Keys”. If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.
RECAP – The Weekly Challenge – 281
Enjoy a quick recap of last week’s contributions by Team PWC dealing with the “Check Color” and “Knight’s Move” tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.
Checking Out the Knight’s Moves
Nicely laid down and documented solutions in Perl. Keep it up great work.
Classic one-liner in Perl and modularised solutions. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
Chess Moves
Contributing and blogging while on holiday shows the dedication. Kudos for your effort, keep it up.
Color of Knight
Line by line discussion with link to official documentation. You can’t go wrong with this. Brilliant work as always.
PWC 281 Knight’s Move
A thorough discussion about Chess game and then from the task point of view. It is worth checking, thanks for sharing.
Where is the chess piece going to?
Cool breakdown of Knight’s move and working of each part. It makes reading easy and also to follow the algorithm. Well done and keep it up.
Pawning Things Off
Use of bredth-first approach to solve the Knight’s move task. Well documented solution, keep it up great work.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 281
Pure one-liner in Raku is showing off once again with bonus technical analysis. Highly recommended.
Colors of the Knight
Clever use of Manhattan distance to solve check color task. I loved the use of PDL to solve the Knight’s move task.
Perl Weekly Challenge 281: Check Color
Using Perl and Raku regex is smart move to keep it simple alongwith the detailed discussion. Great work, keep it up.
Perl Weekly Challenge 281: Knight’s Move
I loved the story behind all possible approaches. A thorough discussion is well drafted. Hightly recommended.
Perl Weekly Challenge 281
Like every week, here we have another classic one-liner in Perl. Keep it up great work.
Knights of Class
Use of distance map is very handy as explained in the blog post. Bonus you get to see latest features of Perl. Brilliant.
The Ultimate Test of Cerebral Fitness
Interesting hack to solve the check color task. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.
Anyone for chess?
Impressive Perl regex hack shared in the post. You really don’t want to skip it.
The Weekly Challenge – 281
Predefined set of all possible moves can be very handy. Well documented and easy to follow algorithm. Keep it up great work.
The Weekly Challenge #281
Thanks for sharing the hack used in the check color task. Also breaking down the complex logic into easy to follow tasks is worth checking out. Well done.
Check the Knight’s Colour
Python is the pick of the language for simple one and Perl for the tricky one. The discussion is worth checking out.
The one about a chess board
Well crafted solution to the tricky Knight’s move task with easy to follow task analysis. Thanks for sharing.
Weekly collections
NICEPERL’s lists
Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.
Boston.pm monthly meeting
August 13, 2024, Virtual event
GitHub Pages for Perl developers
August 15, 2024, in Zoom
Purdue Perl Mongers
August 14, 2024, Virtual event
London Perl and Raku Workshop
October 26, 2024, in London, UK
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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.