Oracle to GBase 8s DBLink Configuration Guide

In a heterogeneous database environment, establishing a seamless connection between Oracle and GBase 8s is a critical task. DBLink provides an efficient way to connect and operate these two systems. This article will detail how to configure DBLink in an Oracle environment to connect to a GBase 8s database.

Software Version Information

  • GBase 8s: GBase8sV8.8_AEE_3.5.0_3NW1_6_86443b
  • Oracle: 11g

Steps to Configure Oracle to GBase 8s DBLink

1. Install unixODBC on Oracle

yum install unixODBC
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2. Install gbasecsdk on Oracle

tar -xvf clientsdk_3.5.0_3NW1_6_86443b_RHEL6_x86_64.tar ./installclientsdk -i silent -DLICENSE_ACCEPTED=TRUE -DUSER_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/gbase
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3. Configure the ODBC configuration file (execute as root on Oracle)

cat <<! >/etc/odbc.ini
Description=GBase ODBC DRIVER
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4. Configure environment variables

export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini export GBASEDBTDIR=/opt/gbase
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5. Configure the database connection sqlhosts file (execute as root on Oracle)

cat <<! >$GBASEDBTDIR/etc/sqlhosts
gbase01 onsoctcp 9088
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6. Test ODBC

isql odbc_demo # Displays "connect!" if successful
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7. Configure Oracle HS configuration file (execute as oracle user on Oracle)

cd $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin
cat <<! >initodbc_demo.ora # init<listener_instance_name>.ora
set ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini
set GBASEDBTDIR=/opt/gbase
set GBASEDBTDIR=/opt/gbase
set GBASEDBTSQLHOSTS=/opt/gbase/etc/sqlhosts
set PATH=/opt/GBASE/gbase/bin:$PATH
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8. Configure Oracle listener (execute as oracle user on Oracle)

1. Modify listener.ora file

cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
vi listener.ora
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Add the following lines:

# add for gbase8s start
(SID_DESC = (ORACLE_HOME= /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1) (SID_NAME = odbc_demo) (PROGRAM=dg4odbc) )
# add for gbase8s end
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2. Modify tnsnames.ora file

cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/
vi tnsnames.ora
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Add the following lines:

# add for dg4odbc used by gbase8s start
odbc_demo = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SID = odbc_demo) ) (HS=OK) )
# add for dg4odbc used by gbase8s end
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9. Restart the listener (execute as oracle user on Oracle)

lsnrctl reload
lsnrctl status # Shows "odbc_demo" as normal, status unknown
tnsping odbc_demo # Shows "OK" if successful
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10. Create a test table (execute as gbasedbt user on GBase 8s)

dbaccess gbasedb -<<!
create table "TEST"(a int);
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11. Create DBLink and test (execute as oracle user on Oracle)

su - oracle
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> create database link gbase8slink connect to "gbasedbt" identified by "GBase123" using 'odbc_demo';
SQL> select * from test@gbase8slink;
SQL> insert into test@gbase8slink values(9);
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12. Notes

  • The DELIMIDENT=y setting must be enabled on the GBase 8s side to distinguish case sensitivity in quoted identifiers.
  • When operating in Oracle, table names are converted to uppercase and enclosed in quotes, such as "SYSTABLES".
  • Column names are created as lowercase by default if not enclosed in double quotes. Oracle operations should reference them as lowercase or omit field names.
  • dg4odbc does not support DDL operations.

Following these steps, Oracle database administrators and developers can successfully configure DBLink to achieve efficient data interaction with GBase 8s. This provides robust support for cross-database queries and data synchronization.

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