Juggling teacher availability, student needs, and subject requirements for your classroom can be quite a hassle. But what if there was a way to take the stress out of scheduling? In this blog post, we’ll explore how Lyzr-Automata can help you build efficient, balanced, and fair timetables that meet the needs of your students and teachers.
Create a folder, set up a virtual environment and activate it. Create .env
file with your OPENAI_API_KEY. Then install the following libraries to get started.
: for building the web app interface. -
: for implementing our AI models, and tasks. -
: for loading environment variables (API key).
Getting Started
We will split the task into 2 files. One for frontend components (main.py) while the other for Lyzr-Automata (lyzr_functions.py)
1.Import Libraries
import streamlit as st
from lyzr_functions import generate_basic_timetable
2. Input Components
— Text area to enter timeslots, subjects list and constraints. -
— Button to submit input
# Time Slots
timeslot_input = st.text_area( "TIMESLOTS", '''08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
09:15 AM - 10:15 AM
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
02:15 PM - 03:15 PM
03:30 PM - 04:30 PM
04:45 PM - 05:45 PM'''
) # Subjects
subjects_input = st.text_area( "SUBJECTS", '''Mathematics
Social Studies
Physical Education
) # Constraints
constraints_input = st.text_area( "CONSTRAINTS", '''1. Mathematics - 5 classes a week
2. Science - 5 classes a week
3. English - 4 classes a week
4. Social Studies - 4 classes a week
5. History - 3 classes a week
6. Geography - 3 classes a week
7. Physical Education - 4 classes a week
8. Computer - 5 classes a week
9. Art - 2 class a week
10. Music - 2 class a week
11. Each classroom is allocated once per time slot on any given day.
12. Same subjects cannot be assigned consecutively'''
) # Submit button
submit_inputs = st.button("Submit", type="primary")
3. Handle Inputs
if submit_inputs: # Save inputs to a file
with open("example_slot.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write("TIMESLOTS") my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write(timeslot_input) my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write("SUBJECTS") my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write(subjects_input) my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write("CONSTRAINTS") my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write(constraints_input) # Call timetable generator
generate_basic_timetable() # Read and display from result file
with open("example_result.txt", "r") as my_file: content = my_file.read() st.write(content)
1.Import Libraries
from lyzr_automata.ai_models.openai import OpenAIModel
from lyzr_automata.memory.open_ai import OpenAIMemory
from lyzr_automata import Agent, Task
from lyzr_automata.tasks.task_literals import InputType, OutputType from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os load_dotenv() OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
2. Initialize Model and Memory
— Create our models using OpenAI Key and specify the model type and name. -
— timetable_memory, Create a memory of instructions for the agent.
# OpenAI Text Model
open_ai_model_text = OpenAIModel(
parameters={ "model": "gpt-4-turbo-preview", "temperature": 0.1, "max_tokens": 4096, },
) # OpenAI Memory file
timetable_memory = OpenAIMemory( file_path='example_slot.txt'
3. generate_basic_timetable functions
— timetable_agent, Lyzr Agent with instructions and persona to create timetable. -
— timetable_task, Lyzr Task to create timetable. -
— timetable_checker_agent, Lyzr Agent with instructions and persona to verify timetable. -
— timetable_checker_task, Lyzr Task to verify if the timetable is valid.
def generate_basic_timetable(): # Remove file if exists
if os.path.exists("assistant_ids.json"): os.remove("assistant_ids.json") # Timetable generator Agent
timetable_agent = Agent( prompt_persona="You are an intelligent agent that can create efficient class timetables for a week in a simple, structured format. Do not assign more classes than required, assign free slots instead. Generate timetable for every day from Monday to Friday.", role="Timetable creator", memory=timetable_memory ) # Timetable generator Task
timetable_task = Task( name="Timetable Creator", agent=timetable_agent, output_type=OutputType.TEXT, input_type=InputType.TEXT, model=open_ai_model_text, instructions="Using the time slots, subject details and requirements, create a timetable that satisfies every constraint. Return the timetable in a simple format and a count of number of classes scheduled for each subject.", log_output=True, enhance_prompt=False, ).execute() # Save output to a file
with open("example_result.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write("# GENERATED TIMETABLE - Timetable Agent") my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write(timetable_task) my_file.write("\n") # Timetable verification Agent
timetable_checker_agent = Agent( prompt_persona="You are an intelligent agent that can verify if a generated timetable fulfills all the constraints or not. Make sure all classes meet the exact requirements; not more, not less.", role="Timetable checker", memory=timetable_memory ) # Timetable verification Task
timetable_checker_task = Task( name="Timetable Checker", agent=timetable_checker_agent, output_type=OutputType.TEXT, input_type=InputType.TEXT, model=open_ai_model_text, instructions="Verify that the generated timetable input fulfills the requirements mentioned in the file. If VALID, return <!VALID!> and the timetable in a table format; If INVALID, return <!INVALID!> the reason why invalid. Do not return anything else.", log_output=True, enhance_prompt=False, previous_output=timetable_task ).execute() # Save output to a file
with open("example_result.txt", "a") as my_file: my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write("# GENERATED VERIFICATION - Verification Agent") my_file.write("\n \n") my_file.write(timetable_checker_task) my_file.write("\n")
Run App
streamlit run main.py
Flow Diagram
Want to create more of such amazing AI Workflows? Visit our website at GitHub to learn more about Lyzr-Automata!
Also checkout Lyzr SDKs at GitHub
Lyzr Website: Lyzr.ai
Lyzr Community Channel: Discord
Code: https://github.com/rasswanth-lyzr/timetable_bot
Video Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/h9c-bL0a3TM
Demo: https://rasswanth-lyzr-timetable-bot-main-n3n6ul.streamlit.app/
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