My Journey to Becoming a Next.js Developer (and Beyond)

Starting with Web Development: The JavaScript Jungle

Hey everyone, it’s Gagan here! After a long break, I’m excited to share a personal story that might resonate with many of you aspiring developers. My journey started, as most web dev journeys do, with JavaScript. The sheer number of frameworks can be daunting! I, like many others, chose React as my starting point. I learned the core concepts and explored some useful libraries, feeling confident in my skills. However, research revealed the vast knowledge ocean waiting to be explored.

Diving Deeper: TypeScript, Next.js, and the Power of CSS Frameworks

Determined to dive deeper, I delved into TypeScript, solidifying my code with its type safety. This was just the beginning. The discovery of Next.js, a powerful framework built on React, was a game-changer. Its features impressed me, and I eagerly learned its nuances. Soon, I realized that plain CSS wasn’t cutting it. Enter Tailwind CSS, a CSS framework that streamlined my styling process.

Full-Stack Adventures: Databases, APIs, and the Edge

Next.js boasts full-stack capabilities, meaning we can manage both frontend and backend aspects within the same codebase. Already familiar with SQL, I utilized it for my initial database interactions. But the quest for knowledge led me to explore Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) as a better alternative to raw queries. Between Drizzle and Prisma, I opted for Drizzle’s simplicity and SQL-like approach. For my database needs, I took advantage of a serverless database from NEON to avoid local setup hassles.
Developer Working on Code

The desire to understand the backend world ignited my interest in REST APIs. After some research, I discovered building APIs using Express in Node.js, but Hono.js in the Edge Runtime also piqued my curiosity. The concept of Edge computing with Cloudflare deployment was fascinating. I even built a couple of basic projects in this environment, utilizing Upstash Redis for speed.

Personal Projects and the Internship Grind

But learning is only one piece of the puzzle. To showcase my skills, I embarked on personal projects. These projects became the foundation for my internship applications, landing me interviews for Next.js developer roles. However, the technical tasks for these internships proved overwhelming for someone just starting.

To meet the challenges, I had to learn new libraries on the fly. While I successfully completed projects like the “Image Generation Application” using OpenAI and Huggingface models, (link: Imaginify), the competition was fierce, and my submissions weren’t quite enough.

Contemplative Developer

The Reality Check: Saturation and the Need for a New Path

The internship experiences revealed a harsh truth: the web development landscape is becoming increasingly saturated. The competition is fierce, and the potential for growth and income doesn’t align with my expectations. It was time to explore a different path.

After careful research, I realized that mastering Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) is the key to unlocking a brighter future. DSA not only enhances problem-solving skills but also provides a deeper understanding of how systems work. It’s a foundation that can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.

Embracing the DSA Journey

I’m currently focused on diving deep into DSA. While the road ahead is challenging, I’m excited about the possibilities it holds. This journey has been a rollercoaster, filled with both triumphs and setbacks. I hope my experiences can offer valuable insights to those navigating the complex world of web development.

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