Impossible Distillation: from Low-Quality Model to High-Quality Dataset & Model for Summarization and Paraphrasing

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Impossible Distillation: from Low-Quality Model to High-Quality Dataset & Model for Summarization and Paraphrasing. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on Twitter.


  • Presents a novel framework called “Impossible Distillation” for paraphrasing and sentence summarization
  • Distills a high-quality dataset and model from a low-quality teacher model that cannot perform these tasks
  • Leverages the paraphrastic proximity intrinsic to pre-trained language models (LMs) like GPT-2

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a new technique called “Impossible Distillation” that can create high-quality paraphrasing and sentence summarization models, even when starting from a low-quality teacher model that cannot perform these tasks well.

The key insight is that pre-trained language models like GPT-2 have an inherent ability to generate paraphrases, as the paraphrases occupy a similar “space” within the model’s distribution. By identifying and distilling these paraphrase-like generations, the researchers were able to build a powerful model, despite starting with a relatively small GPT-2 model as the “teacher.”

This is an important advance because prior work on model distillation [1][2][3] has typically relied on extremely large “teacher” models like GPT-3, or specialized architectures. In contrast, Impossible Distillation shows that high-quality models can be extracted from more modest-sized language models, opening up new possibilities for practical applications of paraphrasing and summarization.

Technical Explanation

The core hypothesis behind Impossible Distillation is that pre-trained language models like GPT-2 have an intrinsic “paraphrastic proximity” – meaning that paraphrased sentences occupy a proximal subspace within the model’s distribution. By identifying and distilling the generations from these subspaces, the researchers were able to create a high-quality paraphrasing and summarization model, even starting from a relatively small GPT-2 teacher model.

The key steps of the Impossible Distillation framework are:

  1. Generating a large set of paraphrased and summarized sentences from the GPT-2 teacher model.
  2. Filtering this generation set to identify the highest-quality paraphrases and summaries.
  3. Training a student model to mimic the filtered generations, producing a high-quality paraphrasing and summarization model.

The researchers evaluated their method on several benchmark tasks, including unconstrained paraphrase generation, syntax-controlled paraphrase generation, and sentence summarization. Their 770M parameter student model consistently outperformed strong baselines, including models distilled from the much larger ChatGPT model. Interestingly, the student model sometimes even outperformed ChatGPT itself on these tasks.

Additionally, the researchers found that the distilled dataset from their 1.5B parameter teacher model exhibited higher diversity and fidelity than datasets up to 13 times larger, suggesting their distillation approach is highly efficient.

Critical Analysis

A key strength of the Impossible Distillation approach is its ability to extract high-quality models from relatively modest-sized teacher models, in contrast to prior work that has relied on extreme-scale models like GPT-3. This makes the technique more accessible and applicable for practical use cases.

That said, the paper does not deeply explore the limitations of the method. For example, it’s unclear how the performance and efficiency of Impossible Distillation would scale as the teacher model size increases. Additionally, the paper does not address potential biases or safety concerns that may arise from distilling a model from the GPT-2 teacher.

Further research could investigate the broader applicability of the paraphrastic proximity insight, both for distillation and other language modeling tasks. Exploring the connection to recent work on language-independent representations for zero-shot summarization could also be an interesting avenue to pursue.


The Impossible Distillation framework represents an important advance in paraphrasing and sentence summarization, demonstrating that high-quality models can be distilled from relatively small pre-trained language models. This opens up new possibilities for practical applications of these tasks, as the technique does not require access to massive, extreme-scale teacher models.

The key insight of paraphrastic proximity within pre-trained LMs is a novel and valuable contribution, and the strong empirical results suggest that Impossible Distillation could have a significant impact on the field of text generation and summarization.

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