Igbo JUPEB Syllabus — Free PDF Download

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Objectives of the Igbo JUPEB Syllabus 

At the end of the course of study, the candidates should be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills in different aspects of Igbo studies.


The Igbo JUPEB Syllabus is divided into four (4) course units which will be treated during the JUPEB program.


  1. IGB 001: IGBO PHONOLOGY (3 units)
  2. IGB 003: IGBO ORAL LITERATURE (3 units)


  1. IGB 002: IGBO GRAMMAR (3 units)
  2. IGB 004: WRITTEN IGBO LITERATURE (3 units) 

Course Description

IGB 001: IGBO PHONOLOGY (3 units)

The focus of this course is on the sound system and the phonological processes that take place when they are found in utterances. 

  1. Igbo speech sound system
  2. vowels and consonants: place & manner of articulation, state of glottis, etc.
  3. syllable structure: CV, V and N.
  4. phonological processes: vowel harmony, assimilation, elision, etc.
  5. Igbo tones: high, low & step, tonal change, etc.
  6. loan words
  7. phonetic transcription of Igbo sounds and words

 An introduction to the scope of phonology; a preliminary treatment of Igbo speech sounds- vowels and consonants; Igbo syllable structure, vowel harmony, vowel assimilation and elision, introduction to Igbo tones, phonemic transcription of Igbo words. 

IGB 002:  IGBO GRAMMAR (3 units)

The course is about Igbo word and sentence structure. 

  1. word formation: noun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, exclamation, etc.
  2. Igbo phrase
  3. clause
  4. sentence (simple, compound and complex)
  • subject
  • verb
  • object
  • complement
  • adjunct, etc.

An introductory study of Igbo Grammar; the Igbo word classes and their characteristics; the Igbo phrase, clause and sentence; elements of the simple,  compound and complex sentences; subject, verb, object, complement and adjunct; the use of Igbo enclitics- na, kwa, etc.


Igbo oral literature has three subdivisions which are poetry, prose and drama. Students are taken through the rudiments of each subdivision. 

Prose narratives (akọmakọ)

  1. ifò (folktales) its types:
  2.  nkọmịrịkọ (myth)
  3.  nkọkịrịkọ (legend)
  4.  yamere (aetiology)
  5. ụkabụilu (anecdote)
  6. asịnilu (parable) 
  7. ilu (proverb)
  8. nkọnilu (allegory)
  9. akpaalaokwu (idioms), etc.

Poetry (abụ) 

  1. abụ akwamozu (elegiac poetry)
  2. abụ alụmdi (marriage poetry)
  3. abụ ọmụmụ nwa (birth poetry)
  4. abụ agha (war poetry)
  5. abụ echichi (title-taking poetry), etc.

Drama (Ejije)

  1. ejije mmọnwụ (mmọnwụ drama)
  2. ejije eshe (eshe funeral drama)
  3. ejije ekpe (ekpe drama), etc.

An introductory study of the nature and scope of oral literature; its oral and transcribed forms,  classification of oral Igbo Literature; poetry, prose, and drama; a preliminary study of each class.


Written Igbo Literature

The novel (early Igbo novel 1933-1970)

Written Igbo poetry

A survey of written Igbo poetry

Written Igbo Drama

A preliminary study of the genres of written Igbo Literature: poetry, prose and drama exemplified by selected work.



  1. Anọzie, C. C. (1999). Lingwistiiki (Sayensi Asụsụ). Enugu: Computer Edge Publishers.
  2. Ezeikeojiakụ, P. A. (1989). Fọnọlọji Na Ụtọasụsụ Igbo. Ilupeju: Macmillan Nigeria Publishers. 
  3. Uba-Mgbemena, A. (2006). Ntọala Usoroasụsụ Igbo. Ibadan: Gold Press.

Literature: Oral (Prose)

  1. Emenanjo, E. N. (ed). (1977). Omalinze (A Book of Igbo Folktales). Ibadan: O. U. P.
  2. Emenanjo, E. N. (1989). Atụmatụ Okwu na Atụmatụ Agụmagụ. Ikeja: Longman Nigeria Publishers.
  3. Emenanjo, E. N. (1998). Ụkabụilu Ndị Igbo. Aba: NINLAN Press.
  4. Nnabuihe, C. B. (2005). Nwada Lọọlọ. Lagos: Green Olive.
  5. Nwadike, I. U. (1992). Ntọala Agụmagụ Igbo. Ihiala: Deo Gratia.  

Literature: Oral (Poetry)

  1. Ugonna, N. (1980). Abụ na Egwuregwu Ọdịnala Igbo. Ikeja: Longman Nigeria Publishers. 
  2. Uzochukwu, S. (1985). Mbem Akwamozu. Onitsha: University Publishing Company.

Literature: Oral (Drama)

  1. Ugonna, N. (1980). Abụ na Egwuregwu Ọdịnala Igbo. Ikeja: Longman Nigeria Publishers. 

Literature: Written (Prose)

  1. Nwana, P. (1933). Omenụkọ. London: Longman & Green.
  2. Achara, D. N. (1933). Ala Bingo. London: Longman & Green.

Literature: Written (Drama)

  1. Chukuezi, A. B. (1974). Udo Ka Mma. Ibadan: O. U. P.
  2. Odunke Artists (1977). Ọjaadili. Ibadan: O. U. P.

 Literature: Written (Poetry)

  1. Ekechukwu, R. M. (ed.), (1975). Akpa Uche. Ibadan: O. U. P.
  2. Maduekwe, J. C. (1979). Nka Okwu. Ikeja: Longman Nigeria Publishers.

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