I Built a Movie Rating Platform Masterscore 🍿

Hey Dev.to! đź‘‹

I’m thrilled to share Masterscore, a site I’ve been working on for months. If you love platforms like Letterboxd or IMDb, Masterscore might just be your new favorite hangout.

What is Masterscore?

Masterscore lets you rate movies and TV shows on a scale of 1 to 10. Leave a comment with your rating, and it pops up on the Feed, a Twitter-like page where you can see what others are watching and rating.


Here’s how the website came to be: Every weekend, my friends and I would rent a movie, watch it, and each of us would rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. We then recorded these ratings in an Excel spreadsheet to generate a list of “Best Movies.” Eventually, this process became quite cumbersome, so in my spare time outside of my full-time job (as a full-stack developer at a tech company), I started working on this site. And that’s how Masterscore was created.

Profiles & Badges

Each user has a profile with a picture, banner, and bio. You can even earn badges—like the Verified badge, which you get after commenting on 15 or more pieces of content.

Powered by TMDB

At the heart of Masterscore is TMDB (The Movie Database). We’ve integrated their API to provide a massive, constantly updated library of movies and shows.

Check It Out!

I built Masterscore outside of my full-time dev job, using tools like nuxt, tailwind, prisma (with mongodb). You can explore the project on GitHub or visit masterscore.org to start rating your favorite movies today.

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