How to Send Bulk Emails For Free using SMTP (Beginner’s Guide)

In today’s digital age, email remains one of the most powerful and cost-effective channels for communication and marketing. Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or a hobbyist, the ability to send bulk emails can be a game-changer.

However, many email service providers (ESPs) charge hefty fees for their services, making it difficult for those on a tight budget to leverage this essential tool. Fortunately, there’s a solution: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) servers. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore how to send bulk emails without paying using SMTP.

Before we discuss sending bulk emails using SMTP, let’s first understand what SMTP is. SMTP is a standard communication protocol for transmitting electronic mail (email) across the Internet. It acts as the backbone of email delivery, facilitating the transfer of messages from the sender’s email client or server to the recipient’s email server.

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Everything you need to know about SMTP in this SMTP: Everything You Must Know

Meaning of SMTP?

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for sending emails over the Internet. It governs how email data is formatted, transmitted, and authenticated between servers and clients to ensure proper delivery to recipients’ inboxes.

There are both paid and free SMTP servers available. Free options include SMTP servers from email providers like Gmail and Outlook, but these often limit the number of emails you can send, especially for automated or bulk emails.

To bypass these limitations and ensure high deliverability for bulk emails, it’s recommended to use a reputable SMTP service provider. Many top SMTP companies offer generous free plans suitable for most websites and applications’ needs.

1. SendLayer


SendLayer is one of the most reliable email delivery platforms, trusted by customers in over 150+ countries. It’s our #1 recommended SMTP mailer service for its ease of use, powerful features, and affordability.

SendLayer integrates seamlessly with WP Mail SMTP for WordPress, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento, Drupal, HelpScout, and more. Its SMTP relay reliably sends transactional emails, confirmations, notifications, password resets, and more.

Preventing Email Spoofing Attacks on your SMTP Server

Preventing Email Spoofing Attacks on your SMTP Server learn how to prevent email spoofing with this guide.

Key features include detailed email logs, open/click tracking, spam protection, subdomain routing for reputation management, email list management, and excellent support.

Pricing: Free trial to send 200 emails. Paid plans start at $5/month for 1,000 emails with advanced features like suppression management and webhooks.

2. Logo Trusted SMTP Service for Businesses Worldwide is a leading SMTP service provider trusted by over 100,000 businesses worldwide. They offer a robust API for sending transactional emails and seamlessly integrate with WordPress through the popular WP Mail SMTP plugin.

With email relay at the core of their business, delivers exceptional deliverability, even for high email volumes. Their platform provides comprehensive reports on sends, views, bounce rates, clicks, and more, enabling you to monitor and optimize your email campaigns effectively.

Leveraging’s domain reputation management features, WordPress site owners can ensure their emails consistently land in recipients’ inboxes. This powerful solution can send automated site notifications, registration and authentication emails, WooCommerce order confirmations, status updates, and more.

Pricing: offers a 30-day free trial, allowing you to send up to 50,000 emails. Their paid plans start from $25 per month, and you can upgrade to higher plans for dedicated IP addresses and the Reputation Defender add-on.

3. Brevo (Formerly Sendinblue)

Brevo formerly Sendinblue

Brevo, (Formerly Sendinblue): Powerful SMTP Solution for Beginners Brevo, formerly known as Sendinblue, is one of the best SMTP email service providers, particularly well-suited for beginners. They offer a comprehensive marketing platform that includes transactional emails, email marketing, SMS marketing, and more.

Seamless Integration with Popular Platforms Bravo integrates seamlessly with WordPress and various third-party platforms, such as OptinMonster, Salesforce, Google Analytics, and many others. This versatility allows for streamlined email communication across various systems and tools.

Robust Features for Effective Marketing Campaigns Besides its powerful SMTP capabilities, Brevo offers advanced features to enhance your marketing efforts. These include personalization and marketing automation tools, a drag-and-drop email editor, pre-designed marketing email templates, and live chat for real-time support.

Reliable Email Delivery with Extensible API and SMTP Relay At its core, Brevo provides a highly extensible email API and SMTP relay service, ensuring reliable and improved delivery of transactional emails.

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Check out this article on Setting Up SMTP Relay for Enhanced Email Reliability

Pricing: Brevo offers a forever free plan that allows you to send up to 300 emails daily, making it an ideal starting point for beginners. Their paid plans start at $25 per month, including 20,000 emails per month, with no daily email-sending limits.

With its user-friendly platform, robust features, and affordable pricing, Brevo is an excellent choice for beginners seeking a reliable SMTP solution to power their email communication and marketing efforts.

4. Mailgun


Mailgun : Powerful SMTP Service for Developers and Businesses Mailgun is a popular SMTP service provider tailored for developers and businesses. They offer robust APIs for sending transactional emails, bulk emails, and more, making it an ideal choice for those with technical expertise.

Easy Integration with WordPress Mailgun seamlessly integrates with WordPress, allowing businesses, e-commerce stores, membership websites, and small enterprises to easily scale their SMTP service for sending marketing and transactional emails.

Developer-Focused Features While Mailgun’s developer-centric approach may lack some beginner-friendly features in other SMTP providers, it excels in providing a powerful and flexible solution for those with coding skills.

Pricing: Mailgun offers a ‘pay as you go’ plan with the first 5,000 emails free for the first month, providing an opportunity to test the service. Their paid plans are competitively priced in the market. However, one dedicated IP costs $80 per month for improved deliverability and a dedicated IP address.

5. SendGrid


SendGrid is a powerful cloud-based SMTP email service provider that allows you to send mass emails without managing an SMTP server. It offers higher scalability with a powerful set of features.

Their SMTP relay is easy to set up and works with any WordPress site. It includes email address validation, delivery optimization tools, email analytics, email templates with a simple email editor, and integrations with third-party apps and services.

If deliverability is your main concern, SendGrid offers great tools to improve email delivery, including dedicated IP addresses and domain name authentication.

Pricing: They offer a free plan with 100 emails per day. Paid plans start at $19.95 per month.

6. Amazon SES

Amazon SES

AWS, Amazon SES: Cloud-Based SMTP Solution from the Industry Leader Amazon Web Services (AWS), the industry leader in cloud computing infrastructure, offers Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) as a powerful cloud-based SMTP service for marketers and developers.

Designed for Seamless Email Campaigns, Amazon SES enables users to easily send marketing, notification, and transactional email campaigns with high deliverability rates and cost-efficiency, leveraging the power of AWS.

Robust Features for Advanced Users and Developers While Amazon SES offers many robust features, it is primarily geared towards advanced users and developers, making it a suitable choice for those with technical expertise.

Easy WordPress Integration Amazon SES can be seamlessly integrated into your WordPress site using compatible plugins, allowing you to leverage its capabilities for your website’s email communication needs.

Cost-Effective Email Sending Depending on your usage, Amazon SES can be one of the most cost-effective SMTP services on the market, particularly if your website is hosted on AWS.
Pricing: If your website is hosted on AWS, you can utilize their free tier to send up to 62,000 emails monthly. For other websites, pricing starts at $0.10 for every 1,000 emails sent, offering a cost-effective solution for businesses with varying email volume requirements.

With its cloud-based architecture, scalability, and integration with the AWS ecosystem, Amazon SES is an excellent choice for businesses and developers seeking a reliable and cost-effective SMTP solution from a trusted industry leader.

There isn’t a more cost-efficient SMTP solution for large sites than Amazon.

Why Use SMTP for Bulk Email Sending?

There are several compelling reasons why SMTP is an excellent choice for sending bulk emails without paying:

  1. Cost-effective: SMTP servers can be self-hosted or utilized through free services, eliminating the need for costly ESP subscriptions.

  2. Control and customization: With SMTP, you have complete control over the email-sending process, allowing for greater customization and flexibility.

  3. No sending limits: Unlike many ESPs imposing strict sending limits, SMTP offers unlimited email-sending capabilities.

  4. Enhanced deliverability: You can improve your email deliverability rates by properly configuring SMTP servers and following best practices.

    Setting Up an SMTP Server

You’ll need to set up an SMTP server to send bulk emails using SMTP. There are two main options: self-hosting or using a free SMTP service.

SMTP.js – Send Email without a Server from the Browser

Option 1: Self-Hosting an SMTP Server
Self-hosting an SMTP server involves installing and configuring email server software on your server or computer. This option provides maximum control and customization but requires technical expertise and ongoing maintenance. Popular self-hosted SMTP server solutions include:

  • Postfix
  • Sendmail
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Exim

Setting up a self-hosted SMTP server is beyond the scope of this beginner’s guide. However, numerous online resources and tutorials are available to guide you through the process.

Option 2: Using a Free SMTP Service
For beginners, using a free SMTP service is often the more accessible and convenient option. These services provide ready-to-use SMTP servers without the hassle of setting up and maintaining your infrastructure. Some popular free SMTP services include:

  • Brevo (Free plan with up to 300 emails per day)
  • Mailgun (Free plan with up to 10,000 emails per month)
  • Amazon SES (Free tier with up to 62,000 emails per month)
  • SendGrid (Free plan with up to 100 emails per day)

To get started with a free SMTP service, you’ll typically need to create an account, obtain SMTP credentials (username and password), and configure your email client or application to use the provided SMTP server settings.

Configuring Your Email Client or Application

Once you’ve set up an SMTP server or acquired credentials from a free SMTP service, you’ll need to configure your email client or application to use the SMTP server for sending emails. The exact steps may vary depending on the software you’re using, but generally, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • SMTP server address (e.g.,
  • SMTP port number (commonly 25, 587, or 465)
  • SMTP username and password (if required)
  • Authentication method (e.g., plain, login, or NTLM)
  • TLS/SSL encryption settings (secure connections)

Most email clients and applications have a dedicated section for configuring SMTP settings. Consult your software’s documentation or search online for specific guides on setting up SMTP for your email client or application.

Best Practices for Sending Bulk Emails Using SMTP

While SMTP provides a cost-effective way to send bulk emails, it’s crucial to follow best practices to ensure optimal deliverability and avoid being labeled as spam. Here are some essential tips:

  1. Obtain explicit permission: Always ensure that you have explicit permission from recipients to send them emails. Unsolicited bulk emails are considered spam and can lead to blacklisting and legal consequences.

  2. Warm up your IP address: If you’re using a new IP address for sending emails, gradually increase your sending volume over time to establish a positive reputation with email service providers.

  3. Authenticate your domain: Configure SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) records to authenticate your domain and improve email deliverability.

  4. Maintain a clean mailing list: Regularly remove invalid or inactive email addresses from your mailing list to maintain a high-quality list and improve delivery rates.

  5. Monitor email metrics: Track and analyze email metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize your email campaigns.

  6. Comply with anti-spam laws: Familiarize yourself with anti-spam laws and regulations, such as CAN-SPAM Act (United States) and GDPR (European Union), to ensure compliance and avoid legal penalties.

  7. Segment your mailing list: Segment your mailing list based on interests, demographics, or behavior to send more targeted and relevant emails, improving engagement and reducing unsubscribe rates.

  8. Include an unsubscribe option: Always provide a clear and straightforward way for recipients to unsubscribe from your mailing list to maintain a positive sender reputation.

  9. Monitor your reputation: Regularly check your email sender reputation with services like SenderScore or Barracuda Reputation to identify and address potential issues.

  10. Consider email deliverability tools: Use tools like GlockApps to monitor and improve your email delivery rates, ensuring your messages reach their intended recipients.

By following these best practices, you can effectively leverage SMTP for sending bulk emails without paying while maintaining a positive sender reputation and ensuring optimal deliverability.


Sending bulk emails without paying can be a game-changer for small businesses, bloggers, and hobbyists on a tight budget.

You can bypass costly ESP subscriptions and enjoy virtually unlimited email-sending capabilities by leveraging SMTP servers, either self-hosted or through free SMTP services.

However, following best practices is crucial, such as obtaining explicit permission, warming up your IP address, authenticating your domain, and complying with anti-spam laws to ensure optimal deliverability and maintain a positive sender reputation. With the right approach and tools, SMTP can be a powerful and cost-effective solution for your bulk email needs.

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