How to Sample Multiple Completions (n) Directly from Claude API without a for loop?

I’m using the Anthropic Claude API and I’m trying to generate multiple completions (n completions) for a given prompt in a single API call. OpenAI’s API provides an n parameter in their sampling settings to achieve this, but I can’t find an equivalent option in the Claude API.

I’m currently using a retry mechanism to handle potential errors during API calls, which looks like this:

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential def before_sleep(retry_state): print(f"(Tenacity) Retry, error that caused it: {retry_state.outcome.exception()}") def retry_error_callback(retry_state): exception = retry_state.outcome.exception() exception_str = str(exception) if "prompt is too long" in exception_str and "400" in exception_str: raise exception return 'No error that requires us to exit early.' @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(20), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=2, max=256), before_sleep=before_sleep, retry_error_callback=retry_error_callback)
def call_to_anthropic_client_api_with_retry(gen: AnthropicGenerator, prompt: str) -> dict: response = gen.llm.messages.create( model=gen.model, max_tokens=gen.sampling_params.max_tokens, system=gen.system_prompt, messages=[ {"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": prompt}]} ], temperature=gen.sampling_params.temperature, top_p=gen.sampling_params.top_p, n=gen.sampling_params.n, # Intended to generate multiple completions
 stop_sequences=gen.sampling_params.stop[:3], ) return response
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I can’t find an n parameter in the Anthropic API documentation that allows generating multiple completions in one request.


  1. Does the Claude API support generating multiple completions (n completions) directly within a single API call?
  2. If not, is there a recommended workaround or best practice to achieve this without resorting to looping multiple requests?
    Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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