How I can isolate the created resources in multiple module imports?

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Apr 30 ’24 Comments: 1 Answers: 0


I make my own terraform module that creates an EC-2 instance and a role for it:

resource "aws_instance" "instance" { ami=var.ami instance_type="t3a.micro" key_name = var.ssh_key iam_instance_profile = root_block_device { volume_size = 30 volume_type = "gp3" } vpc_security_group_ids=var.ec2_security_groups # Ommitted for verbosity reduction
} resource "aws_route53_record" "domain" { zone_id =

I try to make duplicate resources for each environment. Each resource is for a seperate client, therefore, I want each client to have its own folder instead of having seperate folders per environment.

Do you know how I can do that?

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