Help Shape My New Tech Channel: Your Insights Needed!

Your Input is Valuable: Join Me in Shaping a New Tech YouTube Channel

Why Your Opinion is Important

Your thoughts and opinions are incredibly valuable, not just to you but to others as well. They really make a difference!

A Little About Me

Over the past eight years working as a Software Engineer, I’ve gained a lot of experience—from securing my first job and navigating interviews to working at various tech companies and even moving to my dream country. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot that I’m eager to share.

Why I Want to Hear From You

While I have many stories and insights to share, I know that the internet is already full of people sharing their knowledge. I want to make sure that what I create on my new Tech YouTube channel is truly helpful and stands out. That’s why I’m asking for your feedback. I value your time and input greatly, as it helps me understand what topics you and others might find interesting and useful.

Topics You Might Like

Here are some topics I’m considering for the channel. Which of these interests you, or do you have other ideas?

  • Job Interviews in Tech
  • Daily Vlogs
  • Launching Tech Products
  • Educational Content
  • Tech Podcasts
  • Unboxing and Reviews of Tech Products

How You Can Help

Please share your ideas in the comments, or feel free to message me directly on Twitter or LinkedIn. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel to stay updated and hopefully find content that resonates with you.

I’m Looking Forward to Your Suggestions!

Your feedback is crucial in helping me create content that not only interests you but also benefits others. Let’s make something great together!

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