French JUPEB Syllabus — Free PDF Download

This one-year French Programme is intended to meet the general language needs of candidates. The aim is to further develop and examine the four language skills, namely: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Expression of critical thinking in oral form and writing is also examined.

Table of Contents

Objectives of the French JUPEB Syllabus

A1. « L’écoute/Listening : A la fin du programme les candidats doivent pouvoir comprendre le français parlé et enregistré qui portent sur les aspects suivants/ At the end of the course the candidates should be able to pronounce spoken and recorded French words/phrases on the following areas:

  1. Les besoins personnels, les problèmes et les aspirations de l’adolescent/Personal needs, problems and aspiration of the adolescent.
  2. Le Nigéria- sa géographie, son histoire, sa politique, ses institutions sociales, ses problèmes etc/ Nigeria-its geography, history, politics, social institutions, problems atc..
  3. Les affaires africaines avec une référence spéciale aux pays francophones de l’Afrique de l’Ouest/ African affaires with special reference to West Africa Francophone countries.
  4. Les questions générales mondiales en même temps que les intérêts littéraires, scientifiques, techniques, des media, artistiques et cultures/Genearal world issues as well as literary, scientific, technical, media, artistic and cultural

A2. Le parler/Speaking : Les candidats doivent pouvoir parler intelligiblement, intelligemment, correctement et couramment sur les thèmes cités en A1 ci-dessus par les activités suivants/The candidates should be able to speak intelligibly, intelligently, correctly and fluently on the areas listed in A1 above through the following activities:

  1. interviews, discours, conversations et compositions orales/ interviews, speaches, conversations and oral compositions ;
  2. questions et réponses, descriptions, arguments, débats etc./questions and answers, descriptions, arguments, debats etc. ; 
  3.  dialogues, récitations, exposés sur les thèmes d’intérêt général, littéraire, scientifique, culturel, journalistique et technique/ dialogue, recitations, essays on general, literary, scientific, jounalistic and technical interest».

A3 « La Lecture/Reading : Les candidats doivent pouvoir lire couramment et réagir mentalement, oralement et à l’écrit au sujet de tout ce qui est lu dans différents textes littéraires, techniques, journalistiques, familiers et formels sur les aspects suivants/The candidats should be able to read fluently and react mentaly and orally as well as in writing on all that is read in literay, technical, journalistic, familiar and formal texts based on the folling :

  1. des textes prescrits/Prescribed textbooks ;
  2. les textes supplémentaires/ suplementary texts ;
  3. les magazines des adolescents (revues des jeunes)/Adolescent magasines (young people journals) ;
  4. les cartes et diagrammes/Maps and diagrammes ;
  5. les magazines et les journaux/Magasines and Newspapers ;
  6. les lettres et les publicités traitant des thèmes en rapport avec A1 ci-dessus/Letters and advertisement in relation to the themes listed in A1 above ».

A4   « L’écrit/Writing :- Les candidats doivent pouvoir s’exprimer en écrivant du bon français sur les thèmes de A1 (i.) ci-dessus à titre de/The candidats should be able to express himself/herself in good written French on the themes of A1 (i.) above by way of:-

  1. Complètement de phrases/Sentence completions.
  2. Formation de phrases titrées de la table de substitutions/Construction of sentences extracted from table of substitutions.
  3. Longues rédactions guidées ou dirigées/Guided or directed long sentences.
  4. Longues rédactions de types descriptifs et narratifs/Long descriptive and narrative essays.
  5. Réponses aux questions de compréhension/Answer to comrehension questions.
  6. Résumé/Summary.
  7. Traduction de l’anglais au français/Translation of English to French.
  8. Lettres et arguments/Letters and critical written expressions ».

B « La Pensée/Critical Thinking : A la fin du programme les candidats doivent pouvoir penser critiquement en français et doivent pouvoir exprimer leur réaction clairement/At the end of the programme the candidats should be able to think critically in French and clearly express their reactions ».


The JUPEB JUPEB Syllabus is divided into four (4) course units which will be treated during the JUPEB program.

First Semester Courses

  • FRE 001 – Oral and written French (3 Units)
  • FRE 003 – Elements of French Structures (3 Units)

Second Semester Courses

  • FRE 002 – French/Francophone Cultures and Civilizations (3 Units)
  • FRE 004 – Introduction to French Literature / Francophone Africa Literature   (3 Units)

Breakdown of the French JUPEB Syllabus

FRE 001 – Oral and written French (3 Units)

Course Description

This is a basic conversational French course exemplifying some of the structures of the language in its oral and written forms. It is based on everyday situations, events or life experiences. Attention is paid to correct grammatical expressions including use of correct genders and correct conjugations.

The study of the style in simple texts written by known authors, dialogue and “jeux de role” shall be well explored to help generate situations for conversation. Oral or listening comprehension will be enhanced through viewing of and listening to video tapes, recorded audio tapes, VCDs and songs prepared by native speakers.

The rudiments of writing French composition will be enhanced through exercises. This will enable the students to recognize different types of compositions and to make use of the appropriate form of words and expressions in writing letters and short stories, make summaries in French, do simple argumentative write-ups and state their own positions on issues and write out outlines for minutes, reviews, editorials.

Course Outline

  1. Oral: Listening to French songs, texts, viewing French films, comprehension drills, reading drills, audio and visual texts
  2. Written: La presentation de soi, d’utrui, le savoir-faire et le savoir-vivre a la Francaise, la famille, la vie estudiantine, la jeunesse, les metres, les ambitions, les loisirs, le sport, le voyage et la tourisme, letters formelles (les officielles, demande d’emploi/CV) et informelles.

FRE 003 – Elements of French Structures (3 Units)

Course Description

The course is devoted to the study of French phonetics and alphabet to enable the students understand how French sounds are formed and pronounced and thereby learn how to speak French correctly and intelligibly. The students will be able to recognize, understand, use French structures and also identify problems of interference between English and French structures (spellings and faux-amis)

Course Outline

Phonetics, phonology and acoustics, French sounds: vowels and consonants, liaison elision, assimilations, air-stream mechanisms. This will include formation of genders of adjectives and nouns, agreement of adjectives, adverbs and their usage, simple and complex sentences. The following areas will also be studied: les complements du nom de l’adjectif, les determinants defines, indefinis et partitifs, les pronoms possessives, demonstratives, personnels, relatives, interrogatifs et indefinis

FRE 002 – French/Francophone Cultures and Civilizations (3 Units)

Course Description

This course is devoted to the main features of the Francophonie and French influence in Africa, the history and institutions of the major French speaking countries of the world. Also to be examined are French colonial policies, French colonization and the march of the former colonies of France toward independence. An attempt is made to compare the Francophonie with the British commonwealth.

Course Outline

France: its geography, history and institutions, influence in Africa – colonization, assimilation, decolonization and independence, the origins of the francophonie, its main features as well as its institutions, French educational system and its effects on the educational systems, of the Francophone African countries, the history and institutions of some French speaking countries, the French Educational system from the primary, secondary schools to tertiary institution including universities shall be examined, specific aspects of some countries, selected from North West Central and South Africa are to be examined. Among these are their history, political setups and governments

FRE 004: Introduction to French Literature / Francophone Africa Literature   (3 Units)

Course Description

This is an introductory course to the understanding of the literary genres and French literary movements. The literary movements are to be studies as a distinctive aspect of French literature, while mention shall be made of the different French literary movements. The movements that exemplify the prose as a literary genre shall be singled out for careful study.

The course is to introduce to the students the main features of drama and poetry. The study is to be supported by extracts from simple literary works by well known French and Francophone writers.

The relationships and links between these genres and French movements shall be noted, while the styles and distinctive literary features that characterize the dram and poetry and the styles in the extracts; shall be examined.

The specific genre that is focused on is the prose: the novel tales, short stories and essays. It also involves among other things, the identification of the historical, political, social and cultural factors responsible for the emergence of African Literature in French. 

Course Outline

Identification of the three major literary genres (prose, drama and poetry) and their main characteristics, detailed features of prose as a literary genre and the sub-genres of prose: the novel, tales, short stories and essays shall be studied, each of the sub-genres shall be carefully examined in order to identify its distinct identity, the novel (as example) length, plot (linear, circular), narration and narrative 9je, 41, epistolary etc), character and characterization (protagonist, personage secondaire, personage rond), portrayal of place, stylistic features (description, prose language etc), Themes, literary movements seen as a distinctive feature of French literature: the major literary movements: le dassicime, le romantismc, le realism, le natural/sine, le symbolism, le dudalsme, le svrrealisme etc. with emphasis on those which have predilection for prose writing, especially the novel.

The different phases of the evolution of African literature: pre and post-negritude period (aspects, features, representative works and representative writers). 


There will be Two Papers in the examinations as follows:

Paper 1 Written Production

  1. Comprehension
  2. Structure
  3. Composition

Paper 2 Oral

  1. Listening comprehension/dictation
  2. Reading & Conversation
  3. Oral Composition


a) Objective production will test students’ ability in grammar especially the figures of speech with emphasis on words meanings anonyms and opposite of words. 

b) This will test the students’ ability to present themselves as request for services in the hotels, at the hospital, in the market, at the airport, at the border, discuss issues related to life, politics, economic, diplomacy etc., letter writing and essays on basic topics. 

c) Translation which will be basically from English to French will be focused on those topics in b


  • At this level, candidates are expected to develop reading culture that would prepare them to be ready for the task ahead in the University.  They would be ready to answer questions on simple literary works most especially about their culture and African culture in general.  They would also be prepared to answer questions concerning Africa and the World and also in current affairs. 
  • Candidates would answer three questions in French.  The first question will be on contemporary issues, politics and culture.  The other part would be on selected texts.  The candidates will be required to answer questions on at least one text. 
  • Candidates are advised to write between 500 and 600 word and candidate writing more than this stipulated number of words will not be given higher grade. 
  • A list of five topics, selected from the topic areas would be annually, and changes every year.  A question will be set on each of the topic.  Candidates choose one and write an essay of 250-400 words.  


  • Le Renégard 
  • Afrique Mon Afrique 
  • Certitude 
  • Le Temps du matin 
  • Celui qui a tout perdu 
  • Défi à la force. 

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