
Amazon DocumentDBは使っていますか?

Amazon DocumentDBはMongoDBの互換のドキュメント指向データベースであり、サービスの概要がわかるBlackBeltの資料は2019年のものが最新となっている。

MongoDBの互換となっているもののサポートされている MongoDB API、オペレーション、およびデータ型を見ると様々な面で機能差異があることがわかる。



今回の検証は、DocumentDB 4.0で行っているが、5.0でも事象が変わらない。

key に対して単一キーのインデックスを事前に作成する

rs0 [direct: primary] db1> db.col.createIndex({scope:1, key: 1})
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その上で、半角文字で開始するコレクションを検索すると4133レコードの結果がある場合でも134 msと高速に応答する。

rs0:PRIMARY> db.col.find({ scope:"xxxxx", key: /^A/ }).hint({scope:1,key:1}).explain("executionStats");
{ "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "db1.col", "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "SORT", "sortPattern" : { "key" : 1, "scope" : 1 }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "FETCH", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXOR", "inputStages" : [ { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1" }, { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1" } ] } } } } }, "executionStats" : { "executionSuccess" : true, "executionTimeMillis" : "134.866", "planningTimeMillis" : "0.632", "executionStages" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "nReturned" : "4133", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "133.853", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "SORT", "nReturned" : "4133", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "132.697", "sortPattern" : { "key" : 1, "scope" : 1 }, "inputStage" : { "stage" : "FETCH", "nReturned" : "4133", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "105.506", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXOR", "nReturned" : "0", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "34.238", "inputStages" : [ { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "nReturned" : "4133", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "33.333", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1" }, { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "nReturned" : "0", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "0.902", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1" } ] } } } } }, "serverInfo" : { "host" : "xxxxxxx", "port" : 27017, "version" : "4.0.0" }, "ok" : 1, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1703472746, 1)
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しかしながら、全角文字で開始するコレクションの検索を行った場合、先ほどの条件に対して2.72倍の11266レコードの結果がある場合に、応答時間が153倍の 20518 msもかかる。

rs0:PRIMARY> db.col.find({ scope:"xxxxx", key: /^あ/ }).hint({scope:1,key:1}).explain("executionStats");
{ "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "db1.col", "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1", "direction" : "forward" } } }, "executionStats" : { "executionSuccess" : true, "executionTimeMillis" : "20518.276", "planningTimeMillis" : "0.303", "executionStages" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "nReturned" : "11266", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "20517.382", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "nReturned" : "11266", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "20514.086", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1", "direction" : "forward" } } }, "serverInfo" : { "host" : "xxxxxxx", "port" : 27017, "version" : "4.0.0" }, "ok" : 1, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1703472782, 1)
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db.col.find({ scope:”xxxxx”, key: {$gte: “あ”, $lt: String.fromCharCode(“あ”.charCodeAt(0)+1) } })

rs0:PRIMARY> db.col.find({ scope:"xxxxx", key: {$gte: "あ", $lt: "ぃ"}}).hint({scope:1,key:1}).explain("executionStats");
{ "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "db1.col", "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1", "direction" : "forward" } } }, "executionStats" : { "executionSuccess" : true, "executionTimeMillis" : "367.233", "planningTimeMillis" : "0.499", "executionStages" : { "stage" : "SUBSCAN", "nReturned" : "11266", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "366.099", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "IXSCAN", "nReturned" : "11266", "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : "362.641", "indexName" : "scope_1_key_1", "direction" : "forward" } } }, "serverInfo" : { "host" : "xxxxxxx", "port" : 27017, "version" : "4.0.0" }, "ok" : 1, "operationTime" : Timestamp(1703472821, 1)
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