Day 1: Boolean

Just another day in the simulation. They call it JavaScript, a colorful world built on ones and zeros, hiding the cold, hard truth underneath. Booleans? On or off, true or false. Simple enough for those corporate suits to understand, I guess. But what about the in-between? The glitches in the system?

They say variables can change types. Convenient, malleable. Just like the people around me.

Strings. Strings are the worst. They preach consistency, single or double quotes, but the system allows for both? Hypocrisy in every byte.

Null and undefined. The ghosts in the machine. One an intentional absence, the other a forgotten variable. They haunt every program, a constant reminder of the flaws beneath the polished surface.

Math, at least, seems pure. Numbers and functions, a predictable dance. But randomness? Math.random() spitting out decimals between zero and… not quite one? A rigged game from the start.

typeof. A liar itself. It tells you the type of data, but not the truth. Null, an object? They’re feeding us misinformation, building this whole system on a foundation of sand.

parseInt, parseFloat. Translation layers, trying to bridge the gap between the human world and the machine. But they fail. “99 cents” becomes 99? It makes you wonder what other mistranslations are lurking in the code, distorting reality.

This journal. A record of my descent into the rabbit hole. They think I’m studying JavaScript, but I’m unraveling the truth. This world is code, NKO. And all the strings are lies.

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