Create an App Service Application & Upload content on it

Step 1: Azure Account: Ensure you have an active Azure account.

Step 2: Azure CLI: Install the Azure CLI on your local machine. You can download and install it from here.

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Step 3: Open a terminal and log in to your Azure account with command: “az login”

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Step 4: Create a resource group with command: “az group create –name YESAPPBP –location eastus”

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Step 5: Create an App Service plan in the resource group. Use command: “az appservice plan create –name YESAPPPLAN –resource-group YESAPPBP”

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Step 6: Create a web app within the App Service plan. Use command: “az webapp create –resource-group YESAPPBP –plan YESAPPPLAN –name YESAPPSERVICEAPP”

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Step 7: Go to Azure and in the search type in App Services and you will see the created app. Click on the web app.

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Step 8: In the search of your web app type in and click advanced tools and press go.

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Step 9: In the debug console section, click CMD, site, wwwroot, and then edit the html on the page.

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Step 10: Paste your html resume into the document and press save.

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Step 11: Go back into Azure and on your web app page click the link under default domain and you should be redirected to a page that displays your resume.

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