Boosting Devops Productivity with Forms and Power Automate

Greetings to my fellow Technology Advocates and Specialists.

In this Session, I will demonstrate How to create Azure Devops Work-Items using Microsoft Forms and Power Automate.

1.Create Microsoft Forms and Publish.
2.Create Power Automate Flow – Automated Cloud Flow.
3.Integrate Microsoft Forms and Azure Devops with Power Automate.
4.There are 3 Actions created in the Automated Cloud Flow.
4(a).Action#1: When a New Response is Submitted.
4(b).Action#2: Get Response Details.
4(c).Action#3: Create a Work-item in Azure Devops.
5.Create Azure Devops Work-items by submitting Microsoft Forms.
  1. Access to Microsoft Forms.
  2. Access to Microsoft Power Automate.
  3. Azure DevOps Organisation and Project.

Boosting Devops Productivity with Forms and Power Automate

Greetings to my fellow Technology Advocates and Specialists.

In this Session, I will demonstrate How to create Azure Devops Work-Items using Microsoft Forms and Power Automate.

1.Create Microsoft Forms and Publish.
2.Create Power Automate Flow – Automated Cloud Flow.
3.Integrate Microsoft Forms and Azure Devops with Power Automate.
4.There are 3 Actions created in the Automated Cloud Flow.
4(a).Action#1: When a New Response is Submitted.
4(b).Action#2: Get Response Details.
4(c).Action#3: Create a Work-item in Azure Devops.
5.Create Azure Devops Work-items by submitting Microsoft Forms.
  1. Access to Microsoft Forms.
  2. Access to Microsoft Power Automate.
  3. Azure DevOps Organisation and Project.

Below follows the step by step Process:-

1. Create Microsoft Forms and Publish.
a. Login to Microsoft Forms and Click on “New Form”.
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Below follows the step by step Process:-

2. Create Power Automate Flow.
a. Login to Microsoft Power Automate > Create > Automated cloud flow.
Image description
b. Provide the Flow Name, Choose the below Trigger and Click on “Create”.
Image description
3. Integrate Microsoft Forms with Power Automate.
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5. Create Azure Devops Work-items by submitting Microsoft Forms.
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Response was submitted.
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Azure Devops Work item was successfully created.
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The Success Status can also be viewed from Microsoft Power Automate.
Image description

Hope You Enjoyed the Session!!!

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