We are now able to connect clients to the server, either using a presigned url or a custom authorizer. Clients can send messages to each other but in many cases you want to do something with these messages server side. This can be done with rules.
Queries & Actions
A rule basically consists of 2 parts; first, a query to capture data. Queries use an SQL-like syntax which offer a lot of flexibility. Second, actions can send data to services like Lambda, SQS, DynamoDB, Kinesis and many more.
Rule Example
Creating a rule is not difficult but there are a few pointers. Let’s look at this example to get started:
SensorUpdatesRule: Type: AWS::IoT::TopicRule Properties: RuleName: myapp-prod-sensor-updates TopicRulePayload: Sql: "SELECT * FROM 'updates/sensor/+'" AwsIotSqlVersion: '2016-03-23' Actions: - Sqs: QueueUrl: !GetAtt SensorEvents.QueueUrl RoleArn: !GetAtt RuleRole.Arn UseBase64: False
This will capture all messages published to wildcard topic updates/sensor/+
and sends them to an SQS queue. As we learned before, this includes topics like updates/sensor/room-1
and updates/sensor/room-2
As always, this rule needs the permissions to perform the configured actions, so let’s add this:
RuleRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: RoleName: myapp-prod-iot-rule AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - iot.amazonaws.com Action: sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: myapp-prod-iot-rule-policy PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sqs:SendMessage' Resource: - !GetAtt SensorEvents.Arn
And obviously we also need the queue we want to write to:
SensorEvents: Type: AWS::SQS::Queue Properties: QueueName: myapp-prod-sensor-updates
Now you can create a Lambda and add it as a trigger to the queue. You can also trigger a Lambda directly from the rule but I personally like to add a queue in between so I have more visibility and control over it (ie: batch size, concurrency, dead letter queue). If triggering Lambda directly has your preference, make sure to give your rule lambda:invoke permissions instead.
Queries are the most important part of a rule and it’s very feature rich.
SELECT is always required and defines which data you want to capture.
Capture everythingSELECT *
-> {"temperature":21, "moisture": 50}
Select a specific fieldSELECT temperature
-> {"temperature":21}
Select multiple fieldsSELECT temperature, moisture
-> {"temperature":21, "moisture": 50}
Alias fieldsSELECT temperature as temperature_celsius, moisture
-> {"temperature_celsius":21, "moisture": 50}
Hard coded valuesSELECT *, 1 as version
-> {"temperature":21, "moisture": 50, "version": 1}
Single valueSELECT VALUE temperature
-> 21
There are also many functions to transform your data in your query. I use this for instance to get the client ID and timestamp:
SELECT *, clientid() as clientId, timestamp() as timestamp
Another notable function is topic() which can be used to capture a segment of the topic as a variable:
SELECT *, topic(3) as room FROM 'updates/sensor/room-1'
->{"temperature":21, "moisture": 50, "room": "room-1"}
The FROM part defines on which topic(s) the query should trigger.
Single topicupdates/sensor/room-1
Wildcard topicupdates/sensor/+
or updates/sensor/#
It’s also possible to capture everything using a top level wildcard: #
. This could be useful for analytics or debugging purposes but depending on how much data your clients are sending it could generate quite some data (and cost).
The WHERE part is optional and allows you to narrow down which messages are captured. It’s better to add the WHERE clause here than to discard the data in your Lambda function as it would simply save cost since the action won’t run and the Lambda doesn’t need to be executed.
Only capture high temperaturesSELECT * FROM 'updates/sensor/+' WHERE temperature > 25
High temperatures with low moistureSELECT * FROM 'updates/sensor/+' WHERE temperature > 25 AND moisture < 40
All the basic operators you expect are supported out of the box.
Once you have queried the messages you want, you want to process them. In the example I’ve showed SQS as action but there are many more to choose from. You can for instance write directly to DynamoDB to query your data or log to CloudWatch to create nice metrics. Something I personally do is to write my events to a Firehose stream so I can easily log chunks of data to S3 per minute. Remember to always give your role the right permissions.
Saving money with Basic Ingest
A notable feature which could save you some money is basic ingest. With basic ingest you can let your clients send messages to the rule directly instead of sending it to the topic the rule is created for. A rule will create its own topic in this format: $aws/rules/{rule_name}
. Sending messages to a rule directly instead of a topic saves you the cost of a message, depending on the amount of messages this could be very beneficial. The downside of this method is that other clients can not subscribe to it. Also make sure your client has permissions to publish to this topic, otherwise it will disconnect.
With this series of posts I hope to made it clear that IoT Core isn’t as difficult as it seems. While IoT Core is very cheap (and has a generous free tier in the first 12 months!) there are obviously costs involved. IoT Core is however very cheap so fiddling around with it doesn’t break the bank. Let me know in the comments what type of application you’ve built with it to inspire me and others.
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