I had a task to make an animated page transition. we can find a similar animation behavior in telegram when we switch folders.
My site is written in react, not react native. we are making a mobile application that runs in the browser.
there is a component in which I have buttons to switch between tabs.
const [selectedTab, setSelectedTab] = useState("documents");
const [indicatorStyle, setIndicatorStyle] = useState({});
const buttonContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const documentsButtonRef = useRef(null); const handleClick = (tabName: string) => { setSelectedTab(tabName); setTimeout(() => { const activeButton = document.querySelector( `.${styles.activeButton}` ) as HTMLButtonElement | null; if (activeButton) { updateIndicatorDirectly(activeButton); } }, 0); }; const updateIndicatorDirectly = (button: HTMLButtonElement) => { if (buttonContainerRef.current) { const { left } = buttonContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const { width, height, top } = button.getBoundingClientRect(); setIndicatorStyle({ minWidth: `${width}px`, top: `${top + height - 25}%`, // Скорректируйте значение по необходимости left: `${button.offsetLeft - left}px`, opacity: 1, }); } }; const getButtonClass = (tabName: string): string => { return selectedTab === tabName ? styles.activeButton : styles.button; }; return ( <button ref={documentsButtonRef} className={getButtonClass("documents")} onClick={() => { handleClick("documents"); }}> {currentButtonLabels.documents}
</button> <button className={getButtonClass("images")} onClick={() => { handleClick("images"); }}> {currentButtonLabels.images} </button> <button className={getButtonClass("video")} onClick={() => { handleClick("video"); }}> {currentButtonLabels.video} </button> )
Initially, the documents button is assigned an active class and our indicator. by clicking, the indicator moves and the active class changes as well.
Here is the result that I got🔥🔥🔥
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