To whoever stumbles this post, I sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to read this and previous posts I have blogged. I have had trouble consistently blogging on a weekly basis and was 3 blogs behind. I wanted to post on a weekly basis because I was advised to do so by my bootcamp but I eventually came to appreciate reading and blogging my thoughts and discoveries on a platform. Without further ado, I like to attribute this blog to a popular topic I’ve been researching – AI!
I have been researching the impacts AI has had on the tech industry and the innovations that have been made thanks to this technological breakthrough. I wanted to share my thoughts on how AI is currently impacting enterprise teams. If you’re stuck on or don’t know where to start, ChatGPT is a great tool to provide guidance. AI can be used as a machine learning model to extract data and illuminate new ideas, pain points, and opportunities that employees are sharing. ChatGPT is a useful tool that can help analyze large amounts of data and synthesize that information to highlight opportunities, ideas, and feature requests.
I wanted to share the author’s use case of using AI to accommodate for their lack of knowledge on a certain subject. The reason for this is that I want to bring attention to one of the many ways we can teach ourselves on the job to contribute to our enterprise teams. AI has come a long way and helps save a lot of time by automating the generation of workflows and being an online assistant that is readily available 24/7!
This post was heavily inspired from:
Rodriguez, L. (2024, August 24) How enterprise teams want to use AI: Upskilling for insights
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