#include <iostream>
#include "so.hpp" int main(){ int opcion; /* do { cout << "MENU" << endl; cout << "1. Entrada de datos" << endl; cout << "2. Calcular FIFO" << endl; cout << "3. Calcular SJF" << endl; cout << "4. Calcular prioridad" << endl; cout << "5. Calcular Round-Robin" << endl; cout << "6. Salir" << endl; cout << "Ingrese su opcion: "; cin >> opcion; system("cls"); switch (opcion) { case 1: agregarProceso(); imprimirProcesos(); break; case 2: calcularFIFO(); break; case 3: calcularSJF(); break; case 5: float quantum;
cout<<"Ingrese el tiempo quantum: ";
cin>>quantum; roundRobin(quantum); break; case 4: cout<<"INGRESE QUANTUM: "<<endl; cin>>quantum; calcularPrioridad(quantum); break; case 6: cout << "Saliendo del programa." << endl; break; default: cout << "Opcion invalida." << endl; break; } } while (opcion != 6); */ process.addProcess(); return 0;
#include "so.hpp" process::node::node(char i, int t, int q) { _id = i; _time = t; _priority = q; _next = nullptr; } process::process(int c){ n = c; s = 0; head = nullptr; tail = nullptr; } process::~process(){ while(head != nullptr) { node *p = head; head = head -> next(); delete p; } } void process::push(char i, int t, int q){ assert(!full()); node *p = new node(i, t, q); if(empty()) { head = p; tail = p; }else{ tail -> next(p); tail = p; } s++; } int process::pop(){ assert(!empty()); char i = head -> id(); int t = head -> tme(); int q = head -> prty(); node *p = head; head = p -> next(); delete p; s--; return x; } void process::print(){ node *p = head; std::cout<<"[ "; while(p != nullptr){ std::cout << p -> data() << " "; p = p -> next(); } std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
} void process::addProcess() { int n; cout<<"Ingrese el nĂºmero total de procesos: "; cin>>n; for(int i = 0; i < n ; i++){ node *p = new node(); cout << "ID: "; cin >> p->id; cout << "Tiempo: "; cin >> p->tme; cout << "Prioridad: "; cin >> p->prty; if (empty()) { head = p; tail = p; }else{ tail -> next(p); tail = p; } s++; cout << "Proceso agregado." << endl;
#ifndef so_hpp
#define so_hpp #include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std; class process { class node { char _id; int _time; int _priority; node *_next; public: node(char i, int t, int q); char id() const { return _id; } //cual es el id int tme() const { return _time; } //cual es el tiempo int prty() const { return _priority; } //cual es la prioridad node *next() const { return _next; } // cual es el siguiente apuntador void next(node *p) { _next = p; } // cambia el siguiente ap }; int n; // Capacity of process int s; // Size of process node *head; // First item in queue node *tail; // Last item in queue public: process(int); ~process(); void push(int); int pop(void); int capacity() const { return n; } int size() const { return s; } bool full() const { return s==n; } bool empty() const { return s==0; } void print(); void addProcess(); }; #endif /* so_hpp */