Embark on a thrilling journey through a diverse array of C programming challenges curated by the LabEx team. From mastering fundamental concepts to tackling complex problem-solving tasks, this collection promises to elevate your coding skills and ignite your passion for programming. 💻 Let’s dive in and explore these captivating exercises!
1. Check Alphabet Validity 🔤
Check Alphabet Validity
In this challenge, you’ll create a program that determines whether a given character is an alphabet or not. By checking if the character falls within the range of ‘a’ to ‘z’ or ‘A’ to ‘Z’, your program will confidently print ‘Alphabet’ or ‘Not Alphabet’ as the output.
2. Converting Character to Integer 🔢
Converting Character to Integer
Dive into the world of type conversion as you tackle this lab. Your task is to use the static_cast
function to convert a character input into an integer and then display the result.
3. Calculating the Average Student Score 📊
Calculating the Average Student Score
Put your C programming skills to the test by creating a program that calculates the average score of 5 students. Accept the scores as inputs, and then display the calculated average with two decimal places.
4. Free Courses and VIP Courses 🎓
Free Courses and VIP Courses
Explore the world of object-oriented programming as you fix the bugs in a course management program. Dive into concepts like polymorphism, inheritance, and member access permissions to ensure the program compiles and runs correctly.
5. Swap Two Numbers Without Temporary Variable 🔁
Swap Two Numbers Without Temporary Variable
Challenge your problem-solving skills by creating a program that swaps two numbers without using a temporary variable. Utilize the power of addition and subtraction to achieve this clever swap.
6. Checking Whether a Number is Armstrong 🔢
Checking Whether a Number is Armstrong
Delve into the world of number theory as you write a program that checks whether a user-inputted number is an Armstrong number. An Armstrong number is a number where the sum of the cubes of each digit is equal to the number itself.
7. Enum Variable Values: Meat1, Meat2 🍖
Enum Variable Values: Meat1, Meat2
Explore the versatility of enums in C programming by creating a meat
enum with values like Chicken, Beef, Pork, and Lamb. Declare two variables, meat1
and meat2
, and assign them different values from the enum.
8. Calculation of Cost Price 💰
Calculation of Cost Price
In this lab, you’ll create a program that takes the selling price and profit percentage as inputs, and then uses a formula to calculate the cost price, which is then printed out.
9. Celsius to Fahrenheit Temperature Conversion 🌡️
Celsius to Fahrenheit Temperature Conversion
Implement a C language program that can read in Celsius temperature and output the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature. Utilize command-line arguments instead of the scanf()
function to accept the input.
10. Finding the Smallest Number 🔍
Finding the Smallest Number
Put your array manipulation skills to the test by getting input values for an integer array of size 5, finding the lowest element in the array, and printing its value.
Dive into these captivating C programming challenges and unlock your full potential as a coding enthusiast. Happy coding! 🚀